Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I want an iPad2

I have wanted an iPad forever, but I'm too cheap to buy one. Besides, how many internet-capable gadgets does one woman need? I have my personal laptop, my Droid, my Nook.

Anyway, I finally figured out a way to get one without shelling out a lot of my own hard-earned money. I informed my immediate family that they should give me gift cards to Best Buy for my birthday and Christmas! Then I'll use all the gift cards to purchase an iPad, kicking in any remaining balance so I can get the largest one possible for the least amount of cash outlay on my part.

Our local radio station has a show featuring Joe Soucheray, the self-proclaimed mayor of "Garage Logic", who is always talking about one's "cylinder index" -- the more cylinders you have, the better.

So, anyone know if there's a "Byte Index"?

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