I haven't looked at this blog for a while, and since I've had a birthday and relinquished the 50s, I had to change the sub-title. Which refers to being an Air Force brat.
Lately there has been a lot of mumbling and grumbling in the brat world because of a children's book that a couple of women wrote about Little C.H.A.M.P.s (Child Hero Attached to Military Personnel... or something to that effect). Lots of negativity about calling children of military parents heroes, when we feel it is the military parent who is the hero, not the child. And "attached to"... what's that all about? The fact that the women have no relationship with the military has magnified the issue.
I realize the word brat is not necessarily a nice description (apt though it may be for certain little someones), but an Air Force brat, or Army brat, or whatever-branch-of-service brat is a whole 'nother kettle of fish. We are proud of our moniker and don't take kindly to anyone messing around with it.
I am and always will proudly be an Air Force brat. Love you forever, Daddy!